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We ensure your website is fast, secure, and always online so visitors and search engines trust you. Guaranteed.

Full Managed Cloud VPS Hosting

Get high-powered VPS Hosting

99.9% server uptime, money-back guarantee.

Powerful, easy-to-use control panel options.

Root access and SSD or HDD drives on top-of-the-line of bare metal servers..

See Plans and Pricing

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

VPS Hosting plans and pricing

Rapidly scale up Virtual Private Servers as needed and benefit from fast NVMe storage, modern infrastructure and more traffic than you will ever need.

$14.99 per month
30% OFF - Limited Offer START NOW
  • 4 vCPU Cores
  • 6 GB Dedicated RAM
  • 100 GB NVMe or 400 GB SSD
  • 32 TB Bandwidth
  • Dedicated IP Address
  • Full Root Access
  • Malware Scanner
  • Live Server Monitoring
  • Free Server Setup
  • Unlimited Re-Install Requests
$26.99 per month
30% OFF - Limited Offer START NOW
  • 6 vCPU Cores
  • 16 GB Dedicated RAM
  • 200 GB NVMe or 400 GB SSD
  • 32 TB Bandwidth
  • Dedicated IP Address
  • Full Root Access
  • Malware Scanner
  • Live Server Monitoring
  • Free Server Setup
  • Unlimited Re-Install Requests
$47.99 per month
30% OFF - Limited Offer START NOW
  • 12 vCPU Cores
  • 48 GB Dedicated RAM
  • 400 GB NVMe or 1600 GB SSD
  • 32 TB Bandwidth
  • Dedicated IP Address
  • Full Root Access
  • Malware Scanner
  • Live Server Monitoring
  • Free Server Setup
  • Unlimited Re-Install Requests
$97.99 per month
50% OFF - Limited Offer START NOW
  • 24 vCPU Cores
  • 120 GB Dedicated RAM
  • 600 GB NVMe or 2400 GB SSD
  • 32 TB Bandwidth
  • Dedicated IP Address
  • Full Root Access
  • Malware Scanner
  • Live Server Monitoring
  • Free Server Setup
  • Unlimited Re-Install Requests

Fully Managed VPS Hosting for no additional cost

Fast, Dependable—That’s Next-Gen VPS Hosting

How well your websites and applications perform under pressure is extremely important in our increasingly digital world. That’s why we’re introducing Next-Gen VPS hosting—ideal for growing businesses that want an extra kick of memory or processing power.

Bare metal servers

Harness the full processing power with bare metal servers from a tenant with root and admin privileges for complete control of the server, right down to the kernel.

Monitoring and alerts

Monitor server uptime, resources (CPU, RAM and Storage) and Domains — stay informed with alert notifications.

10 Gbps Network

Get free inbound data transfers, and 32 Terabytes of outbound bandwidth, on a fast redundant 10 Gbps network.

Plesk and cPanel Available

Enjoy easily managed VPS hosting with system-level control that includes automated updates, application deployment, and maintenance.

Standard ServerSecure Advanced Security

Optimize security settings with exclusive ServerSecure protection available for fully managed Windows and Linux servers.

Integrated Firewall

Ensure business resiliency with firewalls that act as the first line of defense protecting your managed VPS hosting from malicious internet traffic.

Root Access

Take full control of your VPS hosting with root-level access for complete control of your managed server environment.

100% Network and Power Uptime SLAs

Get both 100% guaranteed power and network uptime assurance with our service level agreements (SLAs) for all major routing devices within the network.

Web panels available

Control and flexibility when your business needs it.





OS Distributions

Whatever your favorite OS is, we have it.





Fully Managed VPS Hosting Key Features

With fully managed hosting, our expert techs manage your server and hardware, installing security patches and operating system upgrades, and proactively monitor your server and the services on your hardware in real-time.

24/7 dedicated support.

We're here for you around the clock. Our experts proactively monitor your server.

Optimum performance, flexibility and control.

Get powerful single tentant, bare metal servers to run mission-critical apps.

Easy admin. Unlimited accounts.

cPanel/WHM or Plesk Obsidian Webhost Edition are available as Web Panel Add-on to create as per required hosting accounts to grow your business.

High availability. Faster performance.

Get RAID10 disk drive for a faster read and data redundancy in the event of a disk failure.

Scalability, managed.

Manual migrations are a thing of the past with Fully Managed VPS Hosting — you get fully-managed upgrades handled by our pros.

Managed updates and patching.

No more manually patching and updating your control panel and OS. We managed ‘em all, so your server is up-to-date, always.

30-day money-back guarantee

If you're not 100% satisfied with our servies, Get refund. No hassle, no risk.

Get started